These 4 easy questions will help us determine if you may be suffering from a sleep disorder and if a medical consultation is recommended.
Clarifications :
If none of the symptoms applies to your condition, go to the next question.
Even if you have the impression that you have slept all night, your sleep might not have been restorative.
List the symptom(s) that you or those close to you have noticed when you are sleeping.
If none of the symptoms applies to your condition, go to the next question.
Many people suffer from sleep apnea but do not snore.
Restless sleep: Moving a lot in your sleep
This information will be used to calculate your body mass index (BMI).
If you take blood pressure medication and your pressure is controlled, you must still check the box “I have high blood pressure”.
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale refers to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you have not done some of these activities recently, try to work out how they would affect you.
Do you have good sleeping habits? Poor habits have a negative effect on your quality of life and your health.
The presence of more than one of these symptoms means that you may suffer from sleep apnea or another sleep disorder.
More than two (2) symptoms indicate a high chance that you suffer from sleep apnea.
A score equal to or higher than 10 means daytime sleepiness that is of concern and warrants investigation.
A body mass index (BMI) greater than 33 represents a high chance that you suffer from sleep apnea.